Expect the Unexpected | The Most Remote Pub in BC


It’s the middle of summer and Vancouver Island is full of tourists but I make my escape from the crowds by heading out on the dusty logging roads to Holberg, BC and the most remote pub on Vancouver Island.

Please note that I do not condone drinking and riding a motorcycle. I had one beer at the Scarlet Ibis and waited for an hour before riding again.

Riding Solo | AZ to BC | Episode 16

Click on the image above to view this map on GaiaGPS.com


  • Distance: 114 miles
  • Location: Vancouver Island, Canada
  • Start: Port McNeil, British Columbia
  • End: Port Alice, British Columbia
  • Roads: Island Highway – Holberg Road – Wanokana Main – South Hardy Main
  • Conditions: pavement, dirt logging roads
  • Cities: Port McNeil, Holberg, Port Alice
  • Camping: Port Alice Oceanfront RV Park

Sterling Noren looking at a map in BC, Canada

Looking at a map of Vancouver Island

Motorcyclist waving at a passing logging truck

Vancouver Island forestry sign 1957

ancient forest stump logging Vancouver Island Holberg

Scarlet Ibis sign pub Vancouver Island

Inside of Scarlet Ibis Pub in Holberg,  Vancouver Island

Pint of Lucky Logger in Scarlet Ibis Pub Holberg Vancouver Island BC

Motorcyclist Sterling Noren riding solo through clearcut forest 
in remote Vancouver Island