Get up into the higher elevation and cooler temperatures in this quick ride from Bisbee to the top of Carr Canyon.
- Location: Starts and ends at The Jonquil Motel in Bisbee, Arizona
- Distance: 80 mile loop
- Gas, Food & Lodging: Bisbee, Palominas
- Difficulty: Easy/Intermediate
- Road Surface: paved, gravel, loose rocks, steep hills
- Time: 2-3 hours round trip
- Camping: Coronado National Forest
- Google Map: View Here
- Hereford Bridge
- Urbano Coffee
- Carr House
- Carr Canyon Road
- Ramsey Vista Campground
- Bright Spot Bar & Grill
Carr Canyon | Arizona

Leave Bisbee and head out of town to the west on Highway 92 towards Sierra Vista. Turn right on South Hereford Road and cross the Hereford Bridge as you travel west on East Hereford Road. Turn right and head north until you reach Urbano Coffee where you can pause for a refreshment if you like before heading south to Carr Canyon Road. Turn west on Carr Canyon Road as you begin climbing into the Huachuca Mountains. Stop at Carr House, an historic cabin located near the start of the road up the mountains. The road can be steep with loose rocks and some switchbacks. Stop at Ramsey View Campground and enjoy the high elevation solitude and cooler temperatures. Head back down on the same road you took up up the mountain and return to Bisbee via Highway 92 You might stop at the Bright Spot in Palominas for food and drink on the way home.